
Do You Suffer From Chronic Pain?

Prolozone is a non-surgical injection based treatment that can permanently resolve chronic pain and can regenerate damaged tissues!

Prolozone uses oxygen to create a healing!

Patients receiving Prolozone feel immediate improvement!

Ozone therapy is the use of the water soluble gas ozone to treat a variety of medical conditions. Ozone is made up of 3 oxygen molecules (O3) and is a close cousin to ordinary oxygen which has two oxygen molecules (O2). Its proven to be one of the safest medical therapies.

It has been safely used since the 1800’s and is gaining popularity in the U.S. due to the many successes that alternative/integrative pioneering doctors are having in many medical applications toward some of the most stubborn diseases of our current times.

Increasing oxygen present in the body, ozone therapy may help to reduce the clogging of blood cells, detoxify the liver, decrease uric acid in the body, improve circulation and oxygen supply, kill viruses, bacteria and fungus and improve the activity of the white blood cells.

In medical use the gas produced from medical grade oxygen is administered in precise therapeutic doses, and never via inhalation. In our alternative medicine clinic, ozone therapy is 1 of the safest treatments available and it’s very rare for patients to experience side effects.



Prolozone is a non-surgical injection based treatment that can permanently resolve chronic pain and can regenerate damaged tissues.

Prolozone® is a homeopathic/oxygen injection technique developed and pioneered by Dr. Shallenberger. It is excellent for all forms of muscular-skeletal and joint pain including chronic neck and back pain, rotator cuff injuries, degenerative and arthritic hips and knees, degenerated discs, and shoulder and elbow pain. The good thing about Prolozone is that because it actually corrects the pathology of the disorder, there is a 75% chance for the chronic pain sufferer to become permanently pain free.

What is Prolozone Therapy?

Prolozone is a form of non-surgical ligament reconstruction and is a permanent treatment for chronic pain. Prolozone is a connective tissue injection therapy of collagen producing substances and ozone gas which can reconstruct damaged or weakened connective tissue in and around joints. These substances are injected into the damaged connective tissue in and around a joint to rebuild the damaged areas. By repairing the connective tissue this is all that is needed to permanently reverse chronic pain.

Prolozone Therapy is an injection technique similar to prolotherapy that uses ozone. The use of ozone causes the joint to heal much more quickly than in traditional prolotherapy. This is because ozone is a highly reactive molecule and when injected into a joint capsule it is able to stimulate the fibroblastic (or regenerative) joint repairing abilities.

Prolozone is derived from the word ozone and the Latin word “proli” which means to regenerate or re-build. It literally means re-building tissues with ozone.

It is important to understand what the word prolozone actually means. “Prolo” is short for proliferation, because the treatment causes the proliferation (growth, formation) of new ligament tissue in areas where it has become weak.

To sum it up, Prolozone is a non-surgical injection based treatment that in many cases permanently resolved chronic pain patterns and can regenerate damaged tissues.

How Does Prolozone Work?

The reason that some injuries completely heal and others don't has to do with circulation. In order for a damaged area of the body to regenerate and heal, it must have the critical elements that only the blood can provide: vitamins, minerals, and oxygen.

Of these, by far the most important is oxygen. Low levels of oxygen cause an accumulation of lactic acid, which is what causes pain. Prolozone works in three ways.

  1. Homeopathic anti-inflammatory medications are injected into the injured area to reduce inflammation and swelling. This leads to increased circulation.
  2. The area is treated with vitamins and minerals that are critical for healing.
  3. The area is infiltrated with oxygen in the form of ozone. The result is that the tissues get what's needed to heal. As it heals, the circulation to the area is re-established, and the treatment is complete.

The Following Conditions Can Be Treated With Prolozone

Prolozone works on just about any pain problem you might have, including:

Neck Pain
Degenerated or Herniated Disk
Low Back Pain
Plantar Fascists
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Torn Tendons
TMJ Syndrome
Heel Spurs
Tennis Elbow
Rotator Cuff Tears
Knee Injuries
Any Type Of Sports Related Injury

With Prolozone Therapy, we clinically see the best results with about 3 visits of ozone therapy about 1-2 weeks apart. The response to treatment varies from person to person, but most people only need from 3-5 treatments. Ozone therapy is virtually painless and often can give you immediate relief in your back pain and many other areas with no recovery or down time.

Because Prolozone treatments also result in cartilage regeneration, the technique is also remarkably effective even for severe cases of osteo-arthritis of the hip or knee. The great thing about Prolozone is that it is not just a treatment for pain. The results actually represent a permanent fix in many cases.

No. Prolozone uses oxygen to create a healing. Prolotherapy uses inflammation to create the healing.  Although we found that it was often effective, it had the following limitations and Prolotherapy is extremely painful.

Pain usually persists for days to weeks after a treatment. Patients receiving Prolozone feel immediate improvement, with very little to any pain at all during the treatments. Next, prolotherapy requires many injections, whereas Prolozone only requires a few. This means that Prolozone is faster and much more cost effective. Prolozone therapy is especially effective in regenerating the cartilage in damaged knees and hips. Prolotherapy is not able to do this.

What Are The Side Effects of Prolozone

  1. Accidental inhalation may lead to minor symptoms like burning of eyes, coughing, nausea or vomiting, or mild headache in very sensitive individual.
  2. Rectal administered ozone may very rarely give mild discomfort, a feeling of passing gas, gurgling, or mild cramps. This is all temporary, mild and passes quickly.
  3. Sometimes a patient may have a Herxheimer (Healing) Reaction (detoxification & healing symptoms) during which a patient may feel flu-like symptoms or feel a bit worse temporarily; this improves on continuation of therapy. This is not an Ozone side effect but a natural healing process seen in other modalities as well.

"Dr. Stephen Dalton, DO."

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Dr. Stephen Dalton is one of the only physicians in the West Texas area to offer this treatment. He believes in Prolozone and uses it on his patients and has seen a significant reduction in pain for many of his patients. Enjoy less pain and a better quality of life. Get Started Today! Fill in the request an apt. form or call our office at 806-795-1393 to schedule an appointment to have a Prolozone injection today!

Positive Side Effects of Ozone Therapy

Some of the positive side effects that may occur are primary improvements in the target health condition but patients may also experience secondary, positive side effects of ozone therapy such as:

Hair and nails grow stronger, longer and faster

Skin radiates and takes on a healthy glow

More physical energy

Ability to fall asleep faster

Easier and reports of more restful sleep

Requiring less sleep

Dr. Stephen Dalton is one of the only physicians in the West Texas area to offer this treatment. He believes in Prolozone and uses it on his patients and has seen a significant reduction in pain for many of his patients. Enjoy less pain and a better quality of life. Get Started Today! Fill in the request an apt. form or call our office at 806-795-1393 to schedule an appointment today!

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