
We offer a wide range of services, from Integrative Medicine to Weight Loss, using the latest state of the art technology, medical devices and advancements in our field . Our mission is to help you maintain a high quality of life through best health practices. Our entire staff is dedicated to this goal. We offer holistic solutions to meet all of your health needs.

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Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are brain disorder diagnoses usually made by a pediatrician or psychologist . It is characterized by inability to concentrate, restlessness, and impulsiveness, but can be difficult to diagnose. It may first be reported by teachers or parents. There is no single cause of ADHD.

Rather, scientific research suggests the effects of many underlying causes, which taken together are expressed through each individual's genetic make up as a group of symptoms qualifying for a diagnosis of ADHD.

Allergy Testing

Delayed Food / Allergy Testing

Understanding how and why our bodies reacts to allergens in our environment and in our food is an important first step in avoiding reactions. The pages in this section help to explain the triggers and reactions that occur when exposed to different allergens, whether in the air we breathe, the food we eat, or the health of our digestive system.

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Although we typically think of the external signs of aging, with the emergence of wrinkles and graying hair, aging is also an internal process that has roots at the cellular level. All the organs of our bodies are made up of individual cells that have limited life spans. While we are young, our cells divide many times as we grow.

Our cells are capable of repairing themselves, communicating with other cells, and interacting with all the physiological molecules that ultimately define our current state of health. Scientists have discovered, however, that our cells have a limited capacity to divide and repair.

Family Practice

Integrative medicine uses a fusion of traditional, holistic and natural medical strategies that are designed to heal the body using primarily its own natural strength. This method takes into account the “whole” person (mind, body, and spirit) including all aspects of a healthy lifestyle. It emphasizes therapeutic healing techniques and simple nature therapies to dramatically improve the way you look and feel.

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Senior Care

Our team of geriatric specialists helps you manage your changing health needs as you age. We offer comprehensive primary care and consultations to support patients and families coping with challenging conditions related to aging. Our services include primary care for adults 65 years and older who have neurological conditions such as dementia and cognitive impairment.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

BHRT can be used to treat men and women when their hormone levels drop or become unbalanced. It’s most frequently used to ease symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause. It may also be used to improve symptoms of cancer treatment or to treat conditions.

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Integrative Testing

Genetic testing plays a vital role in determining the risk of developing certain diseases as well as screening and sometimes medical treatment. Genetic testing can provide information about a person's genes and chromosomes.

IV Therapy

Rejuvenating your body with Intravenous (IV) Nutritional Therapy can provide enormous health benefits. In many respects, IV nutritional therapy is a preventive aging measure. The therapy is so powerful that many patients report benefits within hours of receiving the treatment. In general, these therapies are very safe, well tolerated and pose minimal if any negative side effects.

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Ketamine was first, and still is, an important human general anesthetic agent. It has been used in hospitals for the past five decades and has a proven record of safety. More recently it is being used to treat neuropathic pain and the symptoms of PTSD. The small doses and methods of administration used to treat psychiatric patients differ greatly from those used in hospitals.

Men's Health

Men are statistically less likely to visit doctors but men are at an even greater risk for some of the common diseases we face today; obesity, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, stress and fatigue.

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Our team of geriatric specialists helps you manage your changing health needs as you age. We offer comprehensive primary care and consultations to support patients and families coping with challenging conditions related to aging. Our services include primary care for adults 65 years and older who have neurological conditions such as dementia and cognitive impairment.


It is also important for children to get regular checkups with their health care provider. These visits are a chance to check your child's development. It's are also a good time to catch or prevent problems.

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Our team of geriatric specialists helps you manage your changing health needs as you age. We offer comprehensive primary care and consultations to support patients and families coping with challenging conditions related to aging. Our services include primary care for adults 65 years and older who have neurological conditions such as dementia and cognitive impairment.

PEMF - Pulse Electronic Magnetic Field Therapy

Although electromagnetic therapy became widely adopted in Western Europe, its use was restricted to animals in North America. Veterinarians became the first health professionals to use PEMF therapy, usually to heal broken legs in racehorses. Professional sports doctors then decided to experiment with veterinarian devices off label on professional athletes which ultimately led to legally licensed devices for human use in the United States.

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Stem Cell

Stem cells are the foundation of development in plants, animals and humans. In humans, there are many different types of stem cells that come from different places in the body or are formed at different times in our lives. These include embryonic stem cells that exist only at the earliest stages of development and various types of tissue-specific (or adult) stem cells that appear during fetal development and remain in our bodies throughout life.

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There are many choices in the dietary supplement market — an overwhelming number of companies selling a dizzying array of products, all promising results. As a health care practitioner making recommendations to our patients, we feel a responsibility to sort through those options and find the best products to support the health of those who have put their trust in us.

The Skinny Shot

This once-weekly injection is intended to help anyone who desires to lose weight, but it has been reported to be the most effective in individuals wanting to lose 30-50 pounds or for anyone who has reached a plateau in their weight loss efforts. The use of these injections can help enhance your weight loss efforts by increasing the function of the liver; thus breaking down the fat. This weight loss tool works best when combined with sensible diet and exercise program.

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The TeslaMax is a breakthrough electrical stimulation technology with a wide a wide range of applications for both nerve pain relief and as a urinary incontinence treatment. What makes it special is it unique ability to create massive muscle contractions with out causing pain or discomfort for the patient. The process for electrical stimulation is simple: two electrodes are place on the skin, allowing the electricity to travel between them this stimulates nearby muscles, causing them to contract.


We begin by testing for undiscovered health problems that may have made it difficult for you to lose weight in the past. Your complete blood workup will include a full hormone panel. If your thyroid hormone levels are in the low normal range but you still have symptoms of hypothyroidism such as weight gain, we’ll give you a therapeutic trial of natural (not synthetic) thyroid. Thyroid supplementation can jumpstart metabolism and dramatically improve chances of success.

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Although we typically think of the external signs of aging, with the emergence of wrinkles and graying hair, aging is also an internal process that has roots at the cellular level. All the organs of our bodies are made up of individual cells that have limited life spans. While we are young, our cells divide many times as we grow.

Our cells are capable of repairing themselves, communicating with other cells, and interacting with all the physiological molecules that ultimately define our current state of health. Scientists have discovered, however, that our cells have a limited capacity to divide and repair.

Women's Health

Women are the building blocks of family and society but still one of the most neglected health groups. Our research dollars today do not match the issues that women battle. A healthy family requires a healthy women! We help women of all ages, sizes, and levels of health! Click the button below to find out some common things that women visit our office.

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Ortho Molecular Products

#1 Selling Supplement Brand

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Redox Cell Signaling 

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IV Thearpy

Intravenous (IV) Nutritional Therapy

Life Changing Supplements

Managing your health with life changing supplements at LIMA Lubbock! It's simple, from start to finish.

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