Do You Suffer From Delayed Food Allergies?

50 Million Americans Suffer Annually!

Is it a food allergy or just a sensitivity?

Learn about the top 8 allergens!

Over 3 million Americans, or roughly 1 percent of the population must avoid this because they have a sensitivity or allergy to Gluten!

7 million Americans are thought to be affected by this, that's 2.3% of the American population that have a sensitivity or allergy to seafood or shellfish!

15 million Americans have a milk allergy, including 5.9 million children under the age of 18. That's 1 in 13 children, or roughly 2 in every classroom.

About 0.6 – 1.0 % of people have a peanut allergy, which can vary from mild to severe. Nearly 20% of peanut allergies can be outgrown.

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Delayed Food / Allergy Testing

Do you suffer from Food Allergies?

Delayed Food / Allergy Testing

Understanding how and why our bodies react to allergens in our environment and in our food is an important first step in avoiding reactions. The pages in this section help to explain the triggers and reactions that occur when exposed to different allergens, whether in the air we breathe, the food we eat, or the health of our digestive system.

Is it a food allergy or sensitivity?

The word “allergy” is confusing because many people use it as a fully encompassing generic term for true allergic reactions and nonallergic adverse reactions, also called sensitivities or intolerance's.

Immune reactions can result from the different types of food allergies or food sensitivities you may possess. The most common foods causing allergic reactions are peanuts, soy, wheat, shellfish, fish, milk, eggs and tree nuts, and food containing gluten. Once identified, we recommend eliminating those problematic foods from your diet. Food allergies are divided into two major categories: immediate and delayed.

When immediate food reaction occurs, sufferers experience symptoms within hours of having ingested the food. Symptom onset is rapid and may include tingling of extremities, wheezing, coughing, tightening of the throat, nausea, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. Sometimes in cases where nuts, shellfish, fish, and peanuts have been eaten anaphylaxis can occur.

Immediate food reaction is a fixed food allergy. The food to which you are allergic will almost always provoke an immune reaction when ingested. In immediate reactions the body over produces what is called Immunoglobulin E antibodies, (IgE).

IgE binds to allergens and and triggers an allergic response to any substance it sees foreign. Often, the reaction isn’t severe the first time, rather it is the second time of exposure that the acute reaction can occur.

A food sensitivity, as opposed to a food allergy, happens gradually and isn’t life threatening. Symptoms of a delayed food allergy can take up to 72 hours to appear. This type of immune response is mediated by the IgG antibody, which is the largest circulating antibody in our immune system and can cross the placenta from mother to child. IgG antibodies are the most common form of immunologic mediated food responses. It can be difficult to identify the offending food since we eat so many foods that go through different processes and have many ingredients. It is estimated that 20% of the population have an adverse reaction to a certain food.

Food sensitivities may be caused by many factors such as stress, infections, overeating, artificial preservatives, additives, molds, pesticides, antibiotics, and environmental pollutants. Unidentified food sensitivities can then contribute to many chronic health conditions: including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, autism, ADD/ADHD, eczema, chronic ear infections, gut malabsorption, insomnia and many others.

The 8 Most Common Food Allergies or Sensitivities which may contribute to hundreds of symptoms that are affecting your health or current health conditions. The following are the most common food allergies based on current research and statistics:

Underlying Factors May Also Contribute to Current & Future Health Conditions:

  1. Milk
  2. Eggs
  3. Peanuts
  4. Tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, walnuts)
  5. Fish (such as bass, cod, flounder)
  6. Shellfish (such as crab, lobster, shrimp)
  7. Soy
  8. Wheat  

Signs & Symptoms of Food Allergies

Although symptoms of food allergies vary by individual they can range from mild to severe, common signs are:

  • Pain areas: in the abdomen
  • Gastrointestinal: diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, passing excessive amounts of gas, vomiting, or flatulence
  • Skin: hives or rashes
  • Also common: baby colic, cramping, flushing, itching, or tingling lips

Other behaviors related to Food Allergies or Sensitivity are are listed below. These are just some of the most common.

Get The Facts About Food Allergies

Here are resources regarding food allergies or sensitivity see below:

You know your body better than anyone. Do yourself and your health a favor and contact LIMA Lubbock to schedule a delayed food sensitivity test to improve your over all health and well being!

FAQ's About Food Allergies

There are lots of questions when it comes to food allergies and sensitivity:

Dr. Dalton treats the source not just the symptom. We want you to thrive by providing beyond average care!

"Dr. Stephen Dalton, DO."

dalton transp

At LIMA Lubbock we uses a series of questioners and testing along with state of the art technology to identify the offending foods in your diet. Many times the foods we eat frequently and seem healthy are contributing to our health problems. A customized plan is compiled directly from your test results and your nutrition questionnaire. Elimination of the offending foods and desensitization (allergy drops) can improve many health problems and lead to a better quality of life!

Commonly Reported Symptoms in Patients with Delayed Food Sensitivities Are:

Do You Suffer From Any of These Symptoms? If so you should have a LIMA Allergy Test!

Migraine Headaches
Itchy Eyes
Ringing In Ears
Ear Fullness
Cervical Headache
Watery Eyes
Itchy Skin
Ear Popping

Nasal Congestion
Nasal Drainage
Sinus Headaches
Fatigue After Meals
Throat Clearing
Chronic Fatigue
Dry Cough

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