Many patients have a difficult time losing weight due to a combination of thyroid, neurotransmitter, adrenal, nutritional and other hormonal issues.
Learn About Our New Game Changing Approach To Weight Loss and Complete Life Style Changes That Can Change Your Health & Life Forever!
Our Exclusive Weight Loss Packages
Total Slim Package
Weekly Semaglutide injection for 4 weeks
Weekly Slim shot injection
Weekly check-ins and one on one counseling
Appetite Suppressant if needed
Slim Down +
Weekly Semaglutide injection for 4 weeks
Weekly check-ins and one on one counseling
Appetite Suppressant if needed
Slim Down
Weekly Slim Shot injection
Weekly check ins and one on one counseling
Appetite Suppressant if needed
Our Two New Game Changing Approach
Our Slim Shot Injection is a relatively new peptide of 16 amino acids that promote metabolic balance. It regulates metabolic functions throughout the body. For instance, it turns glucose into usable energy.
- Promotes fatty acid metabolism in the liver
- Promotes metabolic flexibility and homeostasis
- Helps regulate mitochondrial energy
- Protects against age and diet dependent insulin resistance and obesity
- Helps with weight loss
- Promotes resistance to metabolic stress
- Improves exercise capacity
- Helps prevent osteoporosis
- Improves glucose regulation
- Promotes cell differentiation to form osteoblasts
According to study results, this treatment patients run significantly longer and further than untreated patients. What’s more, the older outperformed untreated middle-aged. The results suggest physical re-programming rather than just rejuvenation.
In other words, this peptide seems to increase exercise ability on a cellular level.
While the success of our Semaglutide Injection, a GLP1-peptide, has been spreading like wildfire, but what is it? We're going to break it down for you, and explain how the medication works and how it's prescribed.
Semaglutide is a Glucagon-Like-Peptide-1 This particular peptide hormone is found naturally in the body and produced in the small intestine. It increases the body's ability to produce insulin, inhibits glucagon, and decreases appetite, resulting in healthy and effective weight loss. It is administered as a small subcutaneous weekly injection.
The result is rapid weight loss typically around the 10lb a month range, many lose more. The more weight there is to lose, the faster it comes off. It possibly can plateau if there is only 10lbs left to lose. Once your goal weight is reached, we recommend to stay on the medication for a few more months to help maintain your weight.
The FDA approved brand name is Wegovy , the cost for a one month supply of Wegovy runs between $1500-$2000/month. However, we work with a compounding pharmacy that is able to provide our patients with the generic form (Semaglutide) at a much lower and affordable cost to you.
We want to stress the importance of weight loss as a medical therapy that can help:
lower blood pressure
control blood sugar
relieve pain in arthritic joints
improve the course of scores of medical conditions
Are you ready to schedule an appointment? It's time to get started on the path of losing weight and feeling confident about YOU again. Call today to get started.
Our Practice Centers on the Following:
"The Dalton Theory"
Assessment - Understand and define health concerns, the first key step to customizing your unique strategy and plan for success.
Education - Learn what types of food works best to achieve your weight loss goals and why. We will also address nutrition and exercise.
Relevant Lifestyle Changes - Develop habits that will sustain long term results. With individual support you can make progressive reasonable steps to secure habits that will insure lasting results. Understanding and making these behavioral changes are a key element of permanent weight loss.
Thought Processes - Understand and define health concerns, the first key step to customizing your unique strategy and plan for success.
Practical Application - Understand how to consistently incorporate these foods into your life, no matter how busy or stressful it may be.
Maintenance - Work with your coach to define your acceptable weight range and create a follow up plan to insure your results are sustained.
Personalized Lifestyle Program
The most important therapy for permanent weight loss is, of course, therapeutic lifestyle changes. We teach you about carbohydrates, fats, and protein and how they affect appetite and weight. You’ll be taught which foods help burn fat and reduce cravings, and which ones you need to avoid. Instruction includes group lectures and nutritional discussions as well as individual consultations.
Exercise is also emphasized as a therapy for burning calories and building lean muscle, which is important for long-term weight control because it increases overall metabolic rate. We give you specific instructions in how to exercise safely and when to exercise for maximum fat-burning benefit. We will also help you stay on track by tailoring a strengthening and aerobic exercise program to fit your lifestyle.
Although achieving and maintaining weight loss without regular exercise and attention to diet is next to impossible, our physician Dr. Stephen Dalton at Lubbock Integrative Medical Associates and our nutritionist will also prescribe personalized targeted nutritional supplements through Aesa Redox Signaling Technology and medical foods that heal from the inside out and help control appetite as well as boost the effects of a lifestyle regimen.
A. Our Extensive Staff of Medical Professionals - Since there is no magic pill for health and well-being, the road to total wellness requires a diverse, collaborative team of integrative health care professionals with a full spectrum of skills who are dedicated to addressing the needs of your whole being- mind, body and spirit. From physicians and medical staff trained at the country’s most prestigious medical centers and institutions, to our full spectrum of licensed and certified health care practitioners, our multidisciplinary team of specialists is at the forefront of integrative medicine and holistic health care.
B. Our State of the Art Testing - Many patients have a difficult time losing weight due to a combination of thyroid, neurotransmitter, adrenal, nutritional and other hormonal issues. What makes our program unique is that our facility is equipped to provide detailed blood and urine testing.
We Will Provide The ABC's of PLP
Testing can include a complete hormonal panel, metabolic profile, and glucose tolerance to identify root causes and help focus the plan of action to get you results that have been so difficult in the past. Most weight loss programs do not offer such testing as they are not administered by a medical practice. As a result participants are unsuccessful in achieving their goals because of underlying health issues. If you have been on diets, such as Weight Watchers and other programs but they have not worked for you, please do not give up hope.The good news is that once the testing is done and our physicians have addressed the underlying health issues, our team will work with you to develop your customized weight loss program which will encompass not only what food to eat to achieve a healthy weight, but what behaviors and thought processes will make your results lifelong. You owe yourself the gift of health and vitality!
C. Our Program Addresses Lifestyle Changes - In accordance with our philosophy of treating your total body and mind, we view weight loss as a key tool is insuring that you live a vibrant, active life sustained by good health, high energy, mental clarity, full function, and absence of disease well into old age. If that’s what you want, our Health care team can help you. We use the patented First Line Therapy (FLT) weight loss program and the HCG Diet protocol.
Many patients have a difficult time losing weight due to a combination of thyroid, neurotransmitter, adrenal, nutritional and other hormonal issues. What makes our program unique is that our facility is equipped to provide detailed blood and urine testing. Testing can include a complete hormonal panel, metabolic profile, and glucose tolerance to identify root causes and help focus the plan of action to get you results that have been so difficult in the past.
Most weight loss programs do not offer such testing as they are not administered by a medical practice. As a result participants are unsuccessful in achieving their goals because of underlying health issues. If you have been on diets, such as Weight Watchers and other programs but they have not worked for you, please do not give up hope.
Eating Is Not Automatic
The beating of your heart is automatic. Before you eat something you always have a thought, even if you are not aware of it. If you do not recognize your thoughts or learn how to respond to them, they will lead you astray from your program. Our program will teach you how to talk back to your sabotaging thoughts so you will be prepared for challenges along the way. Most weight loss diets focus only on what you should eat or not eat. They do not include teaching you what you need to know for a lifetime of weight-loss success. Our program gives you those skills. It not only helps you identify nutritious, satisfying foods for an enjoyable diet, but it also teaches you how to stick to your program and stay motivated day after day, no matter what the situation.
It’s not just the calories; It’s the habits! Making psychological changes is a key step ignored by most programs; Changing your mindset and habits allows you to feel satisfied with your food choices, your weight and most importantly, yourself. With our support, this time will be different; you will lose weight permanently. You will be taught to change your mind set about healthy eating and stop the cycle of losing and regaining; you will learn the techniques that will enable you to follow your nutritious eating plan in any situation. Once and for all you will gain control of your eating, weight and your life. Finally, past feelings of disappointment and demoralization will be replaced by confidence and self esteem! More specifically it teaches you how to address real life obstacles to consistent, healthy eating.Many patients have a difficult time losing weight due to a combination of thyroid, neurotransmitter, adrenal, nutritional and other hormonal issues. What makes our program unique is that our facility is equipped to provide detailed blood and urine testing. Testing can include a complete hormonal panel, metabolic profile, and glucose tolerance to identify root causes and help focus the plan of action to get you results that have been so difficult in the past.
You will learn what to do when you are challenged by:
- Stress
- Time
- Cravings
- Hunger
- Emotions
- Boredom
- Food Pushers
- Fatigue
You will learn how to stay on track when you are:
- Traveling
- Dining out
- Vacationing
- Celebrating
- Attending a special function
- Feeling that dieting is just too difficult.
"Dr. Stephen Dalton, DO."
Dr. Stephen Dalton uses a series of questioners and testing along with state of the art technology to identify weight loss issue, habits and analyze your diet. Many times the foods we eat frequently seem healthy but are contributing to our health problems. Your customized plan is compiled directly from your test results and your nutrition questionnaire. Learning the Do's and Don'ts are crucial in leading you to a better quality of life. Get Tested Today! Fill in the request an apt. form or call our office at 806-795-1393 and someone from our staff will be ready to assist.
Specific Things That You Will Learn From Our Weight Loss Program:
- How to be satisfied with realistic/moderate portions
- What to do if you are tempted to have an unplanned snack between meals
- How to consistently use good eating habits-eating slowly, while sitting , enjoying every bite
- How to plan in advance & monitor as you go along
- How to stay motivated and give yourself credit
- How to make healthy eating a priority
- How to get back on track when you make a mistake
- How to reduce and deal with hunger and cravings
- How to include your favorite foods
- How to build your confidence in your ability to follow a healthy lifestyle and eating plan
- How to handle plateaus
- How to maintain your results